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食欲 Appetite 体重 Weight—英语病历书


食欲 Appetite 体重 Weight——英语病历书写模板汇总
He stated that he had always had a good stomach and could eat anything.
过食 eat too much (to excess ; heavily); overeat; be intemperate in eating
吃得多 (胃口大开地吃)eat profusely (with a good appetite)
保持良好食欲 retained an excellent appetite
食欲增进 one's appetite improved
食欲有节制(食欲旺盛,贪食不饱) have a moderate (good, enormous) appetite
无食欲障碍 one's appetite is undisturbed
食不过饱的人 a moderate (spare; light) eater
过饱的人 a heavy (great; hard) eater
食量 capacity for eating
His appetite was good, but the sore place in his mouth interrupted his usual eating habit.
He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.
无食欲 have no (little) appetite (for food); lose (have no) relish for one's food; loss (lack) of appetite; loss of interest in food
发觉(有点)食欲不振 noted (minimal) anorexia
食欲不定(无食欲障碍) one's appetite is variable (undisturbed)
食欲反复无常 have a capricious appetite
食欲不佳 have a poor (feeble; weak; delicate) appetite
胃口变得更加不好 became more anorexic
失去平常的食欲 lose one's usual appetite
食欲减退 appetite decreases (reduces; declines; falls off)
吃得少 eat poorly (sparingly) ;take little food; poor food intake
不想吃 be disinclined to eat
取食不规则 eat irregularly
停吃 cease eating
促进食欲 improve (stimulate; sharpen; whet) the appetite
He had no appetite and only picked at the food.
Meals and drinks taste no more as before, and he is indifferent even to his favorite food.
He eats nothing for a whole day, but he takes some mouthfuls of rice gruel.
He has tasted no food since noon the day before yesterday.
He complains of his thirst hard to release, while he has absolutely no appetite.
口渴 be (feel) thirsty
口一直很渴 continue to have excessive thirst
喝大量的水 drink water generously
对碳酸饮料发生不寻常的爱好 develop an unusual craving for carbonated beverages
要~少喝茶水 be advised to decrease one's tea drinking
In spite of the normal appetite, he lost 4 kg. in weight over a period of one year.
住院时体重 admission weight
最高(最低)体重 maximal (minimal) weight
体重减少,但未知多少 weight loss of undetermined amount
通常在夏季体重减轻 usually lose weight in the summer months
体重以惊人的速度减少 lose weight with alarming speed
体重始终一样 weight remained stationary (steady)
体重不变 weight is stable (unchanged)
体重维持不变 weight is well maintained
体重老是50公斤 one's weight is constant (maintained) at 50 kg.
虽然食量增加,体重却减轻了6公斤 lost 6 kg. in spite of increased intake of food
ex1: 他在上2个月内,体重减轻了8公斤。
He developed weight loss totalling 8 kg. in the previous 2 months.
ex2: 他的胃口变得很大,食物热量增加2倍,但体重却减轻了10公斤。
His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg.
捷优徐州翻译公司 - Devin

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:12-01-11] [热度:]
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